Day 88 28/11 (Sun) – House hunting and exploring Perth

Up relatively early to finalise plans for the day then paid up for another night and set off. jen programmed with details of various possible rental properties in the region north west of Perth CBD and some to the east. First one we looked at was in Hillary’s and looked like it ticked a few of our boxes, but would take 30 min to get to work on a Sunday so likely longer in rush hour. Probably too far out. Looked at various options in places like Karrinyup, Scarborough, Doubleview, Bayswater, Innaloo, Floreat and City Beach (latter two would be very convenient for work and the City Beach property looked quite reasonable from the outside and located in a nice quiet area (but quite expensive – may need to revise our rent estimates upwards??). The Floreat and Doubleview properties looked quite tired and rundown (probably why they accept pets!).

Got back to the van in time for some more searching and leftovers. Found another property in Floreat and several other possibilities, so will see how things pan out when the various real estate offices open tomorrow.

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